

Fran_freaky19: New nail polish I'm trying out today #midnightpassion #nails #covergirl #MaybeIAmBornWothIt #fresh

45 seconds later, a new, but slightly different post...

Fran_freaky19: goodnight everyone xoxox #kisses #naturalbeauty #love #midnightpassion 

The Generator

When you post an image such as the one above,  and friends start posting to your page what their results were.
TimnEricFreaks: Wonder Raptor, The Victor of the Past
AlfonsoSoriano: Captain Phantom, The Guardian of the Gauntlet
Giggles1989: Time Solider, The Sacred of the Seven

The Second Party Bad Angle

This angled shot is either taken by a parent who doesn't know better, an older person who doesn't know better, or some enraged revengeful asshole. 

The Attention Graber

"My hair is getting so long!"
Yeah, I noticed that! Oh, and your tits.